The Bridge between Goals and Accomplishments

Jhon Purplecrest
2 min readSep 30, 2020

Set up a timetable

Before starting the work, it always makes sense to have a timetable in place. It is best to arrange work in order of priority and keep everything organised.

Segregation of goals into long term and short term

It is important to be able to segregate long and short term goals so that there is clarity regarding the timeline. Focusing on short and long term goals simultaneously can be detrimental to the cause. It is imperative to assign priorities and accomplish milestones sequentially.

Train the mind to finish daily targets

Like an archer who focuses only on his target, a person who wishes to accomplish his goals needs to exercise discipline and train his mind to complete targets on a daily basis. Creeping deadlines is the most dangerous way of moving further away from the goal.

Be mindful to prioritize to avoid early burn out

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”It is important to approach the journey from goal to accomplishment in a planned fashion. It is important to phase out the action plan in a structured manner to sustain the momentum. Expending too much energy without a proper strategy can end in a burnout due to exhaustion.

In Conclusion, we can safely say that discipline bridges the gap between goals and outcomes. It is a discipline that keeps us active and productive. Else we would just be taking potshots aimlessly and expect magical outcomes without the required efforts. Inconsistent and misdirected efforts can never be expected to yield positive results. Procrastination which makes you put off action for another day ensures that you can never accomplish much as goals will remain out of reach. Instead of trying to win the jackpot in one shot, it is more reasonable to achieve daily targets which slowly add up and get compounded leading to the desired outcome over a period of time. As Will Smith put it, “ At the centre of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline.” Read More

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